Fleapo Corporation
Fleapo Corporation is a web and mobile design and development agency
where I interned for about a month. I mostly worked at creating admin
dashboards using MERN stack. The UI used was Ant-Design.
The dashboards offered clients to perform CRUD operations on their
products. They could also view various stats regarding their website in
the dashboard.
The dashboards were form-intensive and required hadndling file uploads,
and media checks before uploading.
In few cases there were also notifications being sent to appropriate
people in the form of SMS and email.
Technologies I Worked With:
- - JavaScript
- - ReactJs
- - MongoDB
- - NodeJs
- - ExpressJs
- - AWS S3
New Technologies/Features I Learnt:
- - Form handling in React
- - HTML Semantic Tags
- - DOM Manipulation using Vanilla JS
- - File upload in HTML
- - Buffer & base64 data encodings
- - Use of AWS S3 for Object-Level storage
- - AWS AIM roles and users
- - MongoDB Aggregate Pipeline Usage and Stages
- - Using new packages by refering to docs
- - Using UI libraries (ant-d in this case)
Relevant Links
Fleapo Corporation Website Link: Fleapo Corporation
Testimony / Certificate
You can download relevant file(s) here.