The Strives
The Strives is a an e-commerce store dealing in ethnic wear. They sell
ethnic clothing of various categories. The webiste has been developed
using MERN stack. No UI library has been used.
The webiste supports user authentication, meanwhile also allowing for
guest user checkout. Customers can filter products based on categories,
colour, size and other attributes.
The website offers tag-based searching for efficient and relevant search
results. Users can also track their orders and receive notifications via
Technologies I Worked With:
- - AWS Pinpoint (Notification)
- - ReactJS
- - Redux (State Management)
- - AWS S3 (Bulk Storage)
- - AWS EC2 (Hosting Backend Server)
- - NodeJS
- - MongoDB (Datebase)
- - Razorpay Payment
New Technologies/Features I Learnt:
- - Using 3rd party React libraries
- - SSH for logging into remote VMs
- - Using Redux efficiently for state management
- - Advanced MongoDB query operators
- - Managing user sessions
- - Efficient use of MongoDB aggregation pipeline
- - Handling user cart/wishlist
- - Adding loaders/animations to reduce perceived wait time
Relevant Links
The Strives Website Link: The Strives